Teenager Burnout 101

I'm Dr Naomi Fisher. I'm a clinical psychologist. That means I'm a psychologist who specialises in mental health and behaviour, and I work with a lot of young people and their families.

This webinar is for young people and also their parents if they want to watch. It's about burnout recovery for young people.

Using videos from a young person called Chloe ("Me Just Me" on YouTube), and with original illustrations by Eliza Fricker (missingthemark.co.uk ) I'll describe burnout through the metaphor of a road vehicle.

When our vehicle navigates too many obstacles without enough maintenance, we start to show wear and tear. We get less able to cope with stress. We find it harder to keep calm and we're more affected by change and challenge. And sometimes we break down altogether.

I'll define burnout so you can see if it applies to you, and:

  • I'll describe some of the things that you can to keep you safely on the road.

  • Chloe will describe how hard she finds things once her 'bucket is full', and how she can help to keep her bucket from filling up.

  • I'll talk about the four main stages in recovering from burnout and what you need to support you in this recovery.

I'll talk about how you can be easier on yourself, and how you can start making the first small steps to recover from burnout.

You'll have access to this course for 6 months after purchase.

£40.00 GBP